Elections Board
Mt Hermon
Northern Outside
Northern Inside
Southern Inside
Southern Outside
City Council
First Ward
Second Ward
Third Ward
Fourth Ward
Polling Place Buffer Zones for Pasquotank County Polling Places
The following is a list of the Pasquotank County polling places and a description of each buffer zone concerning electioneering. Poll workers will mark buffer zones with campaign electioneering signs issued by the Board of Elections. Buffer zones are designated by N.C.G.S. § 163-166.4(a).
NORTH Location: Knobbs Creek Recreation Center, 200 E. Ward Street
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building, which is next to the round red brick planter to the left of the sidewalk leading into the building. May not block pathway!
SOUTH Location: Kermit E. White Center, 1704 Weeksville Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from entrance of building, which is the grassy area in the drop off area at the front of the building. May not block pathway!
EAST Location: River Road Middle School, 1701 River Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the back entrance to the gym. Area will be marked accordingly with ‘No Campaigning’ signs. May not block pathway!
WEST Location: Pasquotank Elementary School, 1407 Peartree Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building, which extends out into the paved parking lot.
May not block pathway!
MOUNT HERMON Location: Evangelical Methodist Church, 820 Okisko Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from entrance of polling location, which is the edge of the sidewalk just past the mulched bed on the left, facing the building. May not block pathway!
NEWLAND Location: Ramoth Gilead Baptist Church, 1308 School House Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building. Area will be marked accordingly with ‘No Campaigning’ signs. May not block pathway!
NIXONTON Location: Weeksville Lions Club, 2760 Peartree Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building. Area will be marked accordingly with ‘No Campaigning’ signs.
PROVIDENCE Location: Pasquotank County High School, 1064 Northside Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building. Area will be marked accordingly with ‘No Campaigning’ signs. May not block pathway!
SALEM Location: Weeksville School, 1170 Salem Church Road
Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building. Area will be marked accordingly with ‘No Campaigning’ signs.
Early Voting Location: K.E. White Graduate Center, 1862 Edgewood Drive
Voting Electioneering is allowed 50 ft. from the entrance of the building. Area will be marked accordingly.
May not block pathway!
Click here for a printable version with maps of buffer areas.
Voters will now be asked to present a valid photo identification when voting in person. If you do not have a valid photo ID card, you may obtain one from your county board of elections prior to the election, through the end of the early voting period.
If you do not have a valid photo ID card on Election Day, you may still vote and have your vote counted by signing an affidavit of reasonable impediment (or “Photo ID Exception Form”) as to why you have not presented a valid photo ID. The Exception Form can also be used if you have a religious objection to being photographed or are a victim of a recently declared natural disaster.
As an alternative, if you don’t have your ID when you vote, you can still vote and then bring your valid photo ID to your county board of elections by 5 p.m. on the ninth day after Election Day (or the sixth day after Election Day for September or October local elections).
If you vote by mail, then you must include a photocopy of a valid photo ID when returning your ballot. You may also complete the Absentee Photo ID Exception Form that is provided with your absentee ballot materials.
A list of all types of ID that can be used for voting is available on the State Board of Elections Voter ID webpage. For information on how to get a free ID, see Get a Free Voter Photo ID.
The Important Information Flyer for the 2024 General Election can be found here!
The 2024 Q3 and Q4 Meeting Schedule can be found here!
The 2023 Redistricting Maps can be found here!
The 2023 - 2025 Chief Judge and Judge Appointments can be found HERE!
Subscribe to the new Pasquotank County Board of Elections YouTube channel to view Board meetings, informational videos, and educational tools surrounding elections! All Board Meetings will now be streamed on this platform. The agenda for our next meeting can be found HERE!
FOR ALL PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST via NC G.S. 132-1, please submit the request to this email: datarequests.boe@co.pasquotank.nc.us
The Board of Elections is responsible for conducting all elections in Pasquotank County, including federal, state, county and municipal elections, and special referenda. The elections office is dedicated to providing fair, honest and impartial elections to the citizens of Pasquotank County and Elizabeth City.
The Board of Elections is a bi-partisan, quasi-judicial supervisory board and consists of four members appointed by the State Board of Elections and a chair appointed by the governor for a two-year term. All board meetings are open to the public and are held in the Board of Elections office at 1409 Parkview Dr., Elizabeth City. Click here for the board meeting schedule.
Board of Elections Members
Jacquelyn Brown, Chair
Addie Griffin, Secretary
Larry Beatty, Member Michele Aydlett, Member
George Hague, Member
Janae Hedgepeth, Director
Vacant, Deputy Director
Mary Morris, Election Clerk
email: boe@co.pasquotank.nc.us
data request email: datarequests.boe@co.pasquotank.nc.us
PO Box 1797
Elizabeth City, NC 27906
Phone: 252-335-1739
Fax: 252-331-2560
The Elections Office is located at: 1409 Parkview Drive, Elizabeth City, NC 27909